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I very rarely paint what is traditionally known as a "landscape" though I really do LOVE landscape paintings!  I have tried to explain to people, I just don't have a passion for painting "rocks."  (Ha!)


However, on occasion, there are "scenes" that capture my imagination and I feel duty-bound to paint them! (And I really need to create more landscapes ... or "scenics.")  For instance, the beautiful hot-air balloons we are surrounded by here in Albuquerque every Fall.  The glow of their burners ... the sunrise seen through brightly-colored semi-transparent cloth balloons ... the intense JEWEL-like hues dotting our skies and landscapes. THOSE  scenes awaken such deeply-felt emotions in me, I MUST express them through my watercolors!


Since my landscapes ("scenics") are rare, they are often special to me! Enjoy!

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