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I love painting animal portraits as much as I love painting people! The animal kingdom is so amazing to me, and I believe their personalities are more diverse than we can begin to understand.  I find beauty in ALL of their faces -- even the most "savage" of beasts.


I love the Abq BioPark Zoo not far from where I live.  I often wander about there for hours at a time,

standing very still in one place to photograph as many "different expressions" and movements as a single animal will allow me to see.  I find that's the only way to get some of the unique & more "paintable" poses I've been able to discover in my photo references later on.  Of course, "LIGHT" is always key too, and some days are better than others, but we are blessed with a crazy amount of sunshine "most of the time" here in New Mexico!


"Sarah: Abq BioPark" - 2021

Sarah is our Mama Orangutan at the BioPark. I really do love her ... she always seems so gentle, and "sloth-like" in her movements.  (For Sale:  $395)

I have painted Sarah's daughter "Reese" twice in the past decade, both as "miniatures" (3.5" x 5.5"), and both sold. (Reese was born in 2008 at the BioPark, but has now been relocated to a zoo in Texas, where she is now a mama herself!)

Sharing The Light

Sharing The Light

This was the final "still-life" piece I created in my NM Art League Winter '24 class, as I wanted to "kill 2 birds with 1 stone," which is why it also fits into my "animal portraits" category. This will also be going into my children's book, and I've written a poem for this image. (I used a little mouse named "Toasty" as a model. He belongs to my grandkids.) 7.5" x 10" on Arches 140# -- NFS (yet!) --

A Mexican Gray Wolf

A Mexican Gray Wolf

I created this watercolor from photos I took of the Mexican Gray Wolves at the Abq BioPark, years ago, but he needed to be put into a background where you'd find wolves ... so I used photos of a rock ledge very close to our 15 acres of camping land in Western NM, and I believe he looks right at home now! Feb. 28, 2024 16"x16" on 300# Arches • Exhibited in the NMWS Spring '24 show, May, '24 -- For Sale $1,200 --

Cheese Please!

Cheese Please!

My 5th "mousey" painting, for inclusion in my future book! (But I will be repainting this one; I used Fabriano paper, and it did NOT behave!) I gifted this at our NMWS Christmas party/painting exchange, and there's a poem that goes with it. Every evening before bed, I go into our kitchen where sits my mouse habitat, and the mice all run to the side and put their hands up, and their eyes are pleading, "Cheese Please!" Dec. 11, 2023 8.5"x8.5" on Fabriano 140# -- Owned by Mary Carey --

Not A Creature Was Stirring

Not A Creature Was Stirring

My 2023 Christmas Card design -- sent to family and friends. This will also appear in my future children's book, since it features our little mouse named "Buttercup." He is darling, and belongs to my grandchildren. Nov. 28, 2023 9"x12" on Arches 140# -- NFS (yet!) --

ACME-Corp. Victor

ACME-Corp. Victor

My previous painting "Wile E. Coyote's Nemesis" ribboned in the NM State Fair in the Fall of 2023 ... and then sold! So I had to paint him again. This is the same roadrunner I photographed at our local zoo ages ago. He has quite the attitude and I love him! • 2024 Western Federation of Watercolor Society Exhibit in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 27. 2023 14"x10" on Arches 140# -- For Sale $695 --

The Vulture

The Vulture

I painted this beautiful "Cape Vulture" after photographing him at our local Zoo. I think his coloring is beautiful and spooky at the same time -- perfect as a demo-painting for my Fall Animal Portrait class, just before Halloween! Oct. 21, 2023 10"x14" on Arches 140# -- For Sale: $695 --

Rocky Mountain Bull Elk

Rocky Mountain Bull Elk

This was a REAL 7-point Bull Elk, photographed 60 yards from our Zuni-Mountains NM cabin, the Fall of '22, the day before my husband's bull-elk hunt! (And he disappeared by morning!) I HAD to use the photo for a demo for my w.c. animal portrait class at the NMAL, Sept. of '23. I gave this to my niece as a wedding gift in October. Sept. 28, 2023 10"x14" on Arches 140# -- Owned by Thomas & Rebekah Vogelsang --



This was painted just prior to a trip out to CA (my home state), in June of '23 with my beloved daughter, to honor her 40th year! We were to stay with my high-school friend Lisa, and I wanted to thank her by giving her a gift she would cherish. This is Lisa's horse: "Firefly." (And please note the little firefly over on the gold leaves of the circlet behind the horse!) Lisa LOVED it! 14" x 10" on Arches 300# June 28, 2023 -- NFS - owned by Lisa Nelson --

"Wile E. Coyote's Nemesis"

"Wile E. Coyote's Nemesis"

This was painted in the "Animal Portraits" class I taught at the NM Art League, in the Fall of 2022. I LOVE our State's quirky little "leftover dinosaurs," and intend to paint many more of them. Nov. 6, 2022 11.5" x 8.5" • 3rd Place in the Fine Arts Professional Exhibit at the 2023 NM State Fair -- SOLD at NM State Fair -- [PRINTS AVAILABLE!]

"Lion & The Mouse"

"Lion & The Mouse"

This is the third painting completed for my future children's book. I've rewritten Aesop's fable all in rhyme, in 11 stanzas. Painted as a demo for the "Animal Portraits" watercolor class I taught at the NM Art League. Oct. 5, 2022 22"x15" on Arches 300# • 3rd Place in the 2022-2023 Winter edition of the "Art of Watercolour" magazine out of Paris France, "Reader's Competition." • MasterWorks of NM Exhibit, March '23 -- SOLD at NM State Fair '23 -- [PRINTS AVAILABLE!]

"Tea For Two?"

"Tea For Two?"

This one fits in the "animal" category best, I think, since it features my sweet "Milly Mouse." (Painted as an illustration for my future children's book.) • Selected for the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 2022 Exhibit -- NFS --

"Wilbur: Some Pig!"

"Wilbur: Some Pig!"

A portrait of our dear friends Frank & Char's pet pig, actually named Wilbur! (I couldn't resist putting in the "Charlotte's Web" in the corner!) 13.5" x 9.5" Sept. 29, 2021 ​• MasterWorks NM, 2022 (Featured in the Abq. Journal advertising the exhibit!) • FIRST PLACE in the 2022 New Mexico State Fair -- Owned by Frank & Char --

Chaco Canyon Raven

Chaco Canyon Raven

A small 10"x8" demo painting, created in Oct. 2022 for my "Animal Portrait" class at the NM Art League. I used two photo references for this painting: one taken at Chaco Canyon of a beautiful natural rock "window," and a raven I photographed up in Idaho in 2013. -- SOLD -- Owned by Miriam Gagne

"Dreaming of Santa Cruz"

"Dreaming of Santa Cruz"

Painted as a demo for my "Animal Portraiture" class at the NM Art League in the Fall of 2021. I love all sea-lions, and grew up watching them play on the coast of CA. Oct. 22, 2021 9.5"x13.5" on Arches 140# • Accepted into the NMWS Spring 2023 Exhibit. -- $650.00 --

"In Memory of My Boaz"

"In Memory of My Boaz"

The first of probably many portraits of the most beloved dog of my life our 100-lb., 10-yr. old pit bull, Boaz. We lost him in Nov. 2021. Painted for the MasterWorks Miniatures Exhibit. March 22, 2022 5.5"x 4" on Arches 140# • MasterWorks NM, 2022, Gallery ABQ "Salon Award." -- NFS --

"Barnabas:  Boaz's Successor"

"Barnabas: Boaz's Successor"

Another miniature for the MasterWorks NM 2022 exhibit. Barnabas was our new puppy in Dec. of 2021 (another "pittie") -- and the sweetest "spotted thing!" March 2, 2022 3" x 4.5" on Arches 140# -- NFS --

"Where You Go, I Will Go"

"Where You Go, I Will Go"

A portrait of my "best friend" Naomi. (Ruth & Naomi will ALWAYS be "a thing!") She is half pittie, and half ... ??? (We think some type of Huskie, with those ice-blue eyes!) She's such a darling girl! Jan. 9, 2021 19" x 15" on Arches 300# • MasterWorks NM, 2021 -- Jack Richeson Product Award -- NFS --

"Cally Girl"

"Cally Girl"

My friend Cathy's sweet Jack Russell-terrier, Cally. (One of my rare commissioned portraits, 2019.) ​(20" x 16") • NMWS Spring Exhibit, 2019 -- Jack Richeson Product Award • Selection for Jack Richeson "Animal Portraits75" 2020 Book -- SOLD -- [Ranked #11 out of 100 in the Fall Quarter Edition of "The Art of Watercolour" magazine out of Paris.]

"A Trusted Shepherd"

"A Trusted Shepherd"

This was a commissioned portrait of a British woman's beloved Border Collie, painted in 2014, and shipped to her. (11.5" x 8.5") -- SOLD --



The gift of a portrait for my brother & sister-in-law, of their aging little dachshund, Snickers. June, 2018 8.5" x 11.5" on Arches 140# -- NFS -- (Owned by Charlie & Nancy Vreeland)

"Good Boy, Roscoe!"

"Good Boy, Roscoe!"

A portrait of one of our family's beloved doggies: my son Scott's "pittie," Roscoe (the Daddy of my precious doggie, "Boaz.") Roscoe passed away on Halloween 2013, at the age of 9 years, 1.5 months. Aug. 15, 2014 15" x 20" on Arches 140# • NMWS Fall Exhibit, 2014 - Jack Richeson Award -- NFS -- (Owned by Scott Vreeland)

"Melonie: Hannah's Love"

"Melonie: Hannah's Love"

This portrait of the beautiful, sweet dog, "Melonie" was for my niece Hannah (her owner) on her 30th birthday. Jan. 8, 2020 11" x 15" on Arches 140# -- NFS -- (Owned by Hannah Schelb)

"Scooter: Rio Grande Zoo"

"Scooter: Rio Grande Zoo"

One of my many Zoo animal portraits, though this has to be one of my favorites, and I've sold MANY Giclee-prints of this one. Scooter is a beautiful bobcat, indigenous to New Mexico. The original was "won" by Colleen Denny, at the NMWS Christmas-party/painting exchange in 2015. Dec. 5, 2015 8.5"x11" on Arches 140# -- NFS -- (Owned by Colleen Denny)

"Bob, Before the Pounce"

"Bob, Before the Pounce"

One Summer day in 2019, I "stole" my sister-in-law's FB photo of her cat "Bob," and painted it for her 50th birthday as a surprise. (I entered it into the MasterWorks NM 2020 online exhibit before I sent it to her though.) Sept. 28, 2019 8.5"x11.5" on Arches 140# -- NFS -- (Owned by Mollie Andrews)



One of my rare portrait commissions, painted for my cousin Lori's new sis-in-law, of her favorite (though sadly, deceased) kitty, in 2015. (11.5" x 8.5") -- SOLD --



One of my earliest watercolor pet portraits, of my sister-in-law Erika's favorite kitty, Simba, who lived to a very old age, and died just prior to Christmas, 2011. (11.5" x 8.5") -- NFS --

"Scout: Rio Grande Zoo"

"Scout: Rio Grande Zoo"

A memorial portrait of our Zoo's beloved, beautiful tiger, who passed away a few weeks before I painted him. (July, 2016) (20" x 16") -- For Sale: $1,300 --

"In Remembrance of Cosmo"

"In Remembrance of Cosmo"

Another memorial portrait of our Zoo's wonderful old lion, Cosmo, who passed away several months before this was painted. I gave this away at my Critique Group's Christmas-party/painting exchange in 2015. Nov. 30, 2015 8.5"x11.5" on Arches 140# -- NFS -- (Owned by Tricia Love)

"Kachina, the Snow Leopard"

"Kachina, the Snow Leopard"

Another little watercolor painted for a NMWS Christmas-party/painting exchange in 2018. Kachina lives at the Abq. BioPark Zoo. (8.5" x 11.5") -- NMWS Wet Brush Christmas Party Gift --

"Sitting Pretty"

"Sitting Pretty"

I montaged two photos together of "Mama Rozie" from the Rio Grande Zoo, and found a lot of humor in that! SOOO much fun to paint! March 29, 2018 16" x 16" on Arches 300# • NMWS Spring Exhibit, 2018 - Jack Richeson Award -- SOLD at that exhibit --

"Mashudu: Rio Grande Zoo"

"Mashudu: Rio Grande Zoo"

A portrait of one of our GORGEOUS silverback gorillas from the Abq BioPark Zoo. I LOVED painting this portrait. It sold at our NM State Fair Exhibit. January 2016 20" x 14" on Arches 300# • NM State Fair Exhibit, 2016 - 2nd Place -- SOLD at that exhibit --

"Reticulation Adoration"

"Reticulation Adoration"

My photo reference of "Mama June" and her baby giraffe at the Abq BioPark Zoo seemed like a miracle to me, so I HAD to paint the scene! Who doesn't love giraffes loving on each other? Oct. 18, 2016 16" x 22" on Arches 300# • MasterWorks NM Exhibit, 2017 - "Gallery Abq. Salon" Award -- SOLD at that exhibit --

"Rio Grande Zoo Zebras"

"Rio Grande Zoo Zebras"

Another of my very early watercolors of Zoo animals. (One of the few I've kept since I really do love zebras!) Sept. 2013 18" x 15" on Arches 140# • My 2nd acceptance into the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies Exhibit, 2014 -- For Sale: $995 --

"Signed, Sealed & Delivered"

"Signed, Sealed & Delivered"

Another zoo animal I painted for a Christmas painting exchange ... and Jae Drummond (my watercolor mentor) won this one! Sea-lions remind me of happy hours in childhood, watching them play on the coast of California. Dec. 2, 2014 11.5"x8.5" on Arches 140# -- NFS -- (Owned by Jae K. Drummond)

"D.C. Squirrel"

"D.C. Squirrel"

Painted from a photo I had taken of a very friendly little squirrel at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Oct. 8, 2014 11.5" x 8.5" on Arches 140# -- SOLD -- (Owned by Kathy Shelburne)

"A Roadrunner's Plumage"

"A Roadrunner's Plumage"

Painted as a "Bird" demo for my NMAL Animal-Portraits class, Fall of 2021. (From a photo reference of a gorgeous roadrunner, running around our cul-de-sac.) They do indeed have "rainbow colors" in their plumage! Oct. 9, 2021 10" x 8" on Arches 140# -- SOLD --

"Megan's Bay Flight"

"Megan's Bay Flight"

A miniature I painted for the MasterWorks NM "Mini Show" in 2015. I had photographed this beauty at Megan's Bay in the Virgin Islands in 2013. (5.5" x 3.5") -- NFS --

"Kansas Grackle"

"Kansas Grackle"

Painted from a photo I took in a park in the middle of Kansas one hot Summer day. Grackles are NOISY!! Another "give-away" at a NMWS Christmas-party/painting-exchange in 2017. (11.5" x 8.5") -- NMWS Christmas Party Gift --

"Reflection of a Gander"

"Reflection of a Gander"

One of the "Chinese White Geese" at the Rio Grande Zoo. (March, 2015) (11.5" x 15") -- Owned by my son, Jacob Vreeland --

"Thief of the Leftovers"

"Thief of the Leftovers"

I loved this brave little sparrow, stealing leftovers from an abandoned plate, at a table near my friend and I, while eating lunch in Old Town, Abq. in 2012. I gave this away at a NMWS Christmas-party/painting-exchange that year. (8.5" x 11.5") -- NMWS Christmas Party Gift --

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